RTSS 2021

Industry Session

  • NEWS: Best Solution Award: Jinghao Sun, Tianyi Wang, Kailu Duan, Bin Lu, Jiankang Ren, Zhishan Guo, Guozhen Tan. Toward Real-Time Guaranteed Scheduling for Autonomous Driving Systems.
  • NEWS: Nine solutions are accepted for presentation at the RTSS 2021 Industry Session (Dec. 8 14:00-15:40, CET). Proceedings below:

We are happy to announce the Industry Challenge proposed by PerceptIn. Please consider submitting your solutions by September 30th, 2021. For any questions, please contact the industry session chair Nan Guan (nanguan@cityu.edu.hk).

The purpose of RTSS 2021 Industry Session is to initiate and strengthen the collaborations between industry and academia in real-time systems research. Different from traditional panel discussions, this year the RTSS Industry Session will adopt a new form to engage tighter and more comprehensive interactions between participants from the industry and academia in the form of a long time frame before the conference and finally wrapped up by an industry session held during the conference. More specifically:

  1. RTSS 2021 organizers solicit open challenges from industry partners (tentative deadline: Apr 30th, 2021).
  2. The Industry Session Committee selects and possibly asks for clarifications aiming at publishing to the public (tentative deadline: Jun 1st, 2021) the selected challenges
  3. We call for solutions from researchers (tent. deadline: Sep 30th, 2021).
  4. The proposed solutions are sent to the challenge proposers for reviewing and discussion with the Industry Session Committee (tentative notification date of the selected solutions: Oct 20, 2021).
  5. Finally, the challenges and selected solutions will be compiled into a report available on RTSS 2021 website (and possibly made into a formal journal/conference publication later with joint efforts of the challenge proposers and solution contributors) and presented to RTSS audience in the Industry Session hold during RTSS 2021 conference.

Excellent solutions will be granted the RTSS 2021 Industry Challenge Best Solution Award and acknowledged during RTSS 2021 conference.

Important Dates (tentative):

  • Industry challenge released to public: Jun 1
  • Solution submissions due: Sep 28
  • Solution selection result announcement: Oct 20

Instructions to Submission of Industry Challenges:

  • The challenge submission should be in PDF format with up to 1000 words in English. Other supplementary materials should be provided online via a webpage (the link to this webpage should be included in the challenge submission).
  • Both concrete problems and slightly higher-level challenges are welcomed. In the latter case, you may expect to get some potential ideas or directions to address the challenge. Please keep in mind that the more concrete and focused your proposed challenge is, the higher the chance your challenge will attract interests from academic researchers and thus get meaningful solution contributions. You are highly encouraged to contact the Industry Session organizers by email (rtss2021industrysession@gmail.com) to discuss your challenges before the submission is due. The earlier, The better.
  • At least one representative from the challenge proposers must register for RTSS 2021 (full registration) and attend the industry session in RTSS 2021.
  • The proposed challenges should be submitted to nanguan@cityu.edu.hk with email subject starting with “Industry Challenge Submission: ”.

Instructions to Submission of Solutions:

  • The solution submission should be in PDF format with up to 2000 words in English. Other supplementary materials should be provided online via a webpage (the link to this webpage should be included in the solution submission).
  • Both complete solutions and preliminary ideas are welcomed. Please note that the proposed solutions will be reviewed and selected by the industry challenge proposers. Later, a more detailed instruction for solutions to each particular challenge will be announced together with the release of the challenges.
  • If accepted, at least one author of the solution submission must register for RTSS 2021 (full registration) and attend the industry session in RTSS 2021.
  • The solutions should be submitted to nanguan@cityu.edu.hk with email subject starting with “Solution Submission: ”.


  • Nan Guan, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Benny Akesson, ESI (TNO) & University of Amsterdam
  • Zheng Dong, Wayne State University